B2 (Advanced)


(Click to see videos of native speakers answering Escuela Oficial advanced monologues)


Many students tell me that they have been studying for years but they still find it difficult to speak in English.

Speaking is probably the most important aspect of learning a language but schools and academies don’t seem to realise this.

Many of my students want to prepare for the speaking part of the Escuela Oficial exams because they don’t feel they are ready to take the test even though they have attended hours of English classes.

I think the EO (Escuela Oficial) speaking part is more difficult than the Cambridge system.  Simply because you have to read text AND talk at the same time. With the Cambridge system you are talking about pictures so you have much more flexibility and it is more intuitive.  In both systems you have to think on your feet.

How to pass the ADVANCED level EO speaking exam

(Click to jump to the bottom to see examples of Escuela Oficial ADVANCED level speaking exams.)
To be prepared for the EO ADVANCED speaking exams you need to be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of the following topics (and have vocabulary relating to):
Music and media (books, film etc), animals and pets, education, sports and hobbies, holidays and travel, technology, the environment and climate change, crime and law, cultural celebrations, norms and manners, work and money, holidays, daily routines, leisure time and hobbies, family and family occasions, Food and health, fashion and shopping, dates, weather and seasons.

Microsoft Word - IN_NI_EO_10.doc

Click on the image to see an example of an Escuela Oficial (EO) ADVANCED Level monologue exam.
Click on this separate link to access the audio.

The basic level Escuela Oficial speaking exam is divided into 2 parts:  Monologue and Dialogue. 

The example on the right is a Monologue:

You are normally given 10 minutes to prepare which is a great advantage. After this time you present your ideas and opinions to the examiner.  You have 4 minutes to complete this section.
In this example you can see what I would say in an exam like this.  In addition you can listen to the audio version by clicking on the separate link.
You are normally given some time to formulate your ideas for this part which is a great advantage. After this time you present your ideas and opinions to the examiner.  You have 2 minutes to complete this section.  You should aim to talk about at least 2 points.  I would recommend that you number the points and follow them in order.  That way you wont get confused about what you have spoken about and what you haven’t.  In the example on the right above, I have given you an example of how I would answer these questions in English.

B1-Dialogue-2010-Renting Together

The dialogue section is done with another student.   You normally have around 4-5 minutes to complete this part.  There are a few things you need to careful about with this section.
1.  One of you should introduce the scenario.  I would say that this could almost always be a sentence like, “I’m really excited that we’re buying a house together. I think we should talk about the details.  I think we should move to the countryside because….What do you think?…”
or “We are here today to decide who the best candidate for this job is.  I think that (first point on your sheet) because…What do you think? etc…”
2.  Do not tell your partner all your points in one go.  You need to dissect each point.  Present your first point and explore that point thoroughly.
3. Think rationally but be creative.  If your conversation is about moving in together and your sheet says that you would prefer to live in the city-Think about all the positive elements of living in a city:  Better public transport.  More things to do etc…
4.  Cover ALL the points 1 by 1, first.  Then you or your partner can summarise the points and come to a conclusion about what you are going to decide at the end.
5.  Make sure that you come to some kind of agreement at the end of the discussion.
6. You need to be creative and invent scenarios to keep the conversation going.
7. Do not argue forever.  It doesn’t matter whose wrong or right or who has the better “thing” to talk about.  The important thing is that you discuss the points and then agree within the specified 5-6 minutes.  If your partner is determined to live in a house in the countryside then agree with them and because you can see it from their point of view and you think it will probably be a better idea.  It doesn’t matter if you don’t think so in reality. What matters is that you both make a final decision and finish the task.


(Click to see videos of native speakers answering Escuela Oficial advanced monologues)

Click the links below to see examples of MONOLOGUES:

A treasured possession | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

A turning point in life | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Adaptation in life | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2014

Adoption | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Alcohol | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Any current issue | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2016

Awkward moments | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Awkward moments | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2014

Balanced diet | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2014

Being your own boss | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2014

Body matters | B2 monologue | VALENCIA 2015

Booking accomodation | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2016

Books | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Breaking the law | B2 monologue | Valencia 2010

Bringing up children | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA 2007

Caring for the planet | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Celebrities and fame | B2 monologue | VALENCIA 2007

Celebrity life | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2014

Character and personaity | B2 Monologue | Consejería de educatión cultura y deportes 2015

Charities and NGOs | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA

Children’s behaviour | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Climate and weather | B2 Monologue | Consejería de educatión cultura y deportes 2015

Climate change | B2 monologue | VALENCIA 2007

Clothes | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2012

Communication | B2 monologue | VALENCIA 2007

Communication and relationships | B2 monologue | VALENCIA

Computer says no | B2 monologue | Valencia 2010

Computers and the internet | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA 2011

Consumerism | B2 monologue | VALENCIA

Cookery programmes | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2016

Cooking and nutrition | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Criminal offences | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2012

Cultural activities | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2014

Cultural activities in your hometown | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2016

Current issues | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2014

Daily Activities | B2 Monologue | Consejería de educatión cultura y deportes 2015

Dangerous activites | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2012

Diet recommendations (WHO) | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2016

Different attitudes | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2012

Different learning experiences | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2012

Different lifestyles | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2012

Earning a living | B2 monologue | VALENCIA

Eating habits-Experiences | B2 monologue | VALENCIA 2012-2013

Education | B2 monologue | VALENCIA

Education | B2 monologue | VALENCIA 2015

Education| B2 Monologue | VALENCIA

Energy | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2014

environment | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA

Environmental issues | B2 monologue | Valencia 2010

Environmental pollution | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2012

Equality | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2016

Everyday problems | B2 monologue | VALENCIA

Evolution of learning | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2016

Exotic locations | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2014

Food and healthy living | B2 monologue | VALENCIA

Foreign Language learning | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA

Forms of punishment | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2014

Forms of transport | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2014

Free time | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA 2011

Free time for children | B2 Monologue | Andalucía 2012

Free time, leisure and hobbies | B2 Monologue | Consejería de educatión cultura y deportes 2015

Graffiti | B2 Monologue | Pais Basco 2009

Health and food | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA

Health and healthcare | B2 Monologue | Consejería de educatión cultura y deportes 2015

Holidays and travelling | B2 monologue | VALENCIA 2007

Homelessness | B2 monologue | Canarias 2012

Homelessness| B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Homes and housing | B2 Monologue | Consejería de educatión cultura y deportes 2015

Hooked on the gadget | B2 monologue | VALENCIA

I want to be successful | B2 monologue | Valencia 2010

I’ve got to have it! (shopping) | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA 2009

Immigration | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Importance of foreign languages | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2016

Importance of languages | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Importance of languages 2 | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Increased mobility (social change) | B2 monologue | VALENCIA 2013

Influence of politics | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2016

Information overload | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2016

Interfering with nature | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA 2009

Juvenile violence | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA 2009

Keeping informed | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2016

Language learning | B2 Monologue | Consejería de educatión cultura y deportes 2015

Language learning skills | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Languages | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2014 22

Leisure and culture | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA

Leisure and Entertainment | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA

Life regrets | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2016

Lifestyle activities | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2014

Looking after the planet | B2 monologue | VALENCIA

Looking back on your life | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA 2009

Loooking after the planet | B2 monologue | VALENCIA

Luck and superstition | B2 Monologue | Andalucía 2012

Mad about shopping | B2 monologue | Valencia 2010

Mass tourism | B2 Monologue | Andalucía 2012

Medicine, health and lifestyles | B2 monologue | VALENCIA

Men and women | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Mobile phones | B2 Monologue | Andalucía 2012

Modern medicine | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA 2009

Modern world and sustainable development | B2 Monologue | Consejería de educatión cultura y deportes 2015

Money | B2 monologue | VALENCIA

Money and society | B2 monologue | VALENCIA

Money matters | B2 monologue | VALENCIA

Money matters | B2 monologue | Valencia 2010

Online advertising | B2 Monologue |Andalucia 2016

Online dating | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Online shopping | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2014

people, human relations, social change | B2 monologue | VALENCIA

Personal and social relationships | B2 Monologue | Consejería de educatión cultura y deportes 2015

Places you have visited | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA 2011

Problems in your Community | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Professional qualities | B2 Monologue | Andalucía 2012

Progress -The past and the future | B2 monologue | VALENCIA

Progress and science | B2 monologue | Valencia 2010

Promoting a business | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Recycle-the waste makers | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA

Regrets | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2014

Relationship age gaps | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Relationships | B2 monologue | VALENCIA

Relationships | B2 monologue | VALENCIA 0000

Relationships | B2 monologue | Valencia 2010

Relationships 2 | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA 2009

Relaxation | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2016

Religion | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Religion | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2014

Retired and Elderly people | B2 Monologue | Andalucía 2012

Retiring | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2016

Role of women | B2 monologue | 0000

Scientific and medical research | B2 monologue | VALENCIA 2007

Shopping | B2 Monologue | Andalucía 2012

Shopping | B2 Monologue | Consejería de educatión cultura y deportes 2015

shopping | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA

Shopping online | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2016

Society and the media | B2 monologue | Valencia 2010

Space missions | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Special events | B2 Monologue | Andalucía 2012

Startups and entrepreneurs | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2016

State or private school | B2 Monologue | Andalucía 2012

Staying healthy | B2 monologue | VALENCIA

Staying healthy | B2 monologue | Valencia 2010

Student workers | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Technological change | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2014

Technological changes | B2 Monologue | Andalucía 2012

Technology | B2 monologue | Galicia 2011

The arts 1 | B2 MONOLOGUE | 2013

The arts 2 | B2 MONOLOGUE | 2013

The consumer society | B2 monologue | VALENCIA 2007

The environment | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA 2009

The environment and climate change | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA 2011

The mass media | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA

The qualities of success | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2014

The world – today and tomorrow | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA 2009

The world of work | B2 monologue | Valencia 2010

Travelling | B2 monologue | Valencia 2010

Travelling and living abroad | B2 monologue | VALENCIA

Types of families | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2014

Types of families | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2016

Types of holidays | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2014

Types of holidays | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2016

Types of homes | B2 Monologue | Andalucía 2012

We are what we eat | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA 2009

Wealth | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013

Who cares? Social issues | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA 2009

Work, unemployment, retirement | B2 Monologue | VALENCIA

Young offenders | B2 Monologue | Andalucia 2016

Your favourite place | B2 monologue | Andalucia 2013


Click the links below to see examples of DIALOGUES:


A gift for mum | B2 dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2014

A job in another city | B2 dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2012

A new airport | B2 dialogue A+B | VALENCIA 2009

A new hobby | B2 dialogue A+B | VALENCIA 2009

A year abroad | B2 dialogue A+B | VALENCIA 2009

Activities for citizens | B2 dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2012

Adventure park | B2 dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2012

After school activities | B2 dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2012

An unforgettable holiday | B2 Dialogue A+B | VALENCIA 2010

Birthday present | B2 Dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2013

Broken car | B2 dialogue A+B+C | Andalucía 2014

Building renovation | B2 dialogue A+B | VALENCIA 2009

Buying or renting | B2 dialogue A+B | VALENCIA 2009

Candidates for the job | B2 dialogue A+B | VALENCIA 2009

Candidates for the job | B2 Dialogue A+B | VALENCIA

Challenges | B2 dialogue A+B | Pais Basco

Choosing the right candidate | B2 Dialogue A+B | Valencia 2010

Classes | B2 Dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2013

Community watch | B2 dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2014

Decorating the living room | B2 Dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2013

Desktop or laptop | B2 Dialogue A+B | Valencia 2010

DVD player | B2 dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2012

Education Private or state? | B2 Dialogue A+B | VALENCIA 2010

Environment | B2 dialogue A+B | Consejería de educatión cultura y deportes 2015

Erasmus year | B2 Dialogue A+B+C | VALENCIA 0000

Flatmates | B2 dialogue A+B+C | Andalucía 2012

Foreign students’ visit | B2 Dialogue A+B+C | VALENCIA

Fresh money to spend | B2 Dialogue A+B | VALENCIA 2010

Gap year | B2 Dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2013

Giving advice | B2 dialogue A+B | Consejería de educatión cultura y deportes 2015

Holiday in Scotland | B2 Dialogue A+B | Valencia 2011

Hotel complaint | B2 dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2014

Hotel manager | B2 dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2012

Inheritance | B2 dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2014

Language holidays | B2 Dialogue A+B | VALENCIA 0000

Memories | B2 dialogue A+B | Consejerí a de educatión cultura y deportes 2015

Moving in together | B2 Dialogue A+B | VALENCIA 2010

Obsessed with the mobile | B2 dialogueA+B+C | Andalucía 2014

Oil company | B2 dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2014

Old flat | B2 Dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2013

Old people’s home | B2 dialogue A only | VALENCIA

Opening hours | B2 dialogue A+B | VALENCIA 2009

Overweight teen | B2 dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2014

School problems | B2 dialogue A+B | Galicia 2011

Sharing a flat | B2 dialogue A+B | Consejería de educatión cultura y deportes 2015

Siblings | B2 Dialogue A+B+C | Andalucía 2013

Socialising | B2 dialogue A+B | Consejería de educatión cultura y deportes 2015

Solar energy at home | B2 Dialogue A+B | VALENCIA

Spoiling the child | B2 Dialogue A+B | Valencia 2010

sports | B2 dialogue A+B | Consejería de educatión cultura y deportes 2015

Stray dog | B2 Dialogue ONLY B | VALENCIA

Student parent teacher meeting | B2 dialogue A+B+C | Andalucía 2012

Swimming pool | B2 Dialogue A+B | VALENCIA

Technology and communication | B2 dialogue A+B | Consejería de educatión cultura y deportes 2015

The price of fame | B2 Dialogue A+B | Canarias 2012

The right school | B2 Dialogue A+B | VALENCIA 0000

To smoke or not to smoke | B2 Dialogue A+B+C | VALENCIA 2010

Too much alcohol | B2 Dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2013

Traffic Congestion | B2 dialogue A+B | VALENCIA 2009

Type of schooling | B2 Dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2013

Uni course | B2 Dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2013

Ways of studying | B2 Dialogue A+B+C | Andalucía 2013

We have won a holiday | B2 dialogue A+B+C | VALENCIA 2009

Wedding anniversary | B2 Dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2013

Work problems | B2 dialogue A+B | Andalucía 2014

Your school days | B2 dialogue A+B | Consejería de educatión cultura y deportes 2015

All B2 Reading Writing Listening tests:






